Longstanding followers will know that this blog kicked off at a party at Kirk Originals store in Covent Garden and so we continue. Kirk Originals often dispays art throughout the store and last week it hosted a private view for electronic music pioneer John Foxx
The exhibition, organised by ArtHertz, continues at Kirk Originals Floral Street store until July 2010.
So who's who and what's what? Top to bottom:
- Roger Spy and John Foxx have no glasses; Dennis Da Silva, from Arthertz, wears Sir Reginald in black and red from the Kirk Heroes range
- Steve Diggle from The Buzzcocks
wears Earl in black and turquoise from the Vector sunglasses collection
- Robin Dutt (journalist) wears Dusty in gold harlequin from the new Sculpture collection
- Joe McGann is wearing Dusty in orange also from the new Sculpture range.
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