Sunday, 3 February 2013

Mykita makes Mylon for myopes...

Mykita makes Mylon for myopes: Basky & Pelot
Mykita makes Mylon for myopes: Pelot Mykita makes Mylon for myopes: ApolloMykita makes Mylon for myopes: Lathan
...and hyperopes too. Mylon is Mykita's 3D-printed nylon eyewear that has hitherto been limited to big, sporty sunnies. Now Mylon is available in optical frames. From the top: Basky and Pelot, then Pelot on its own, Apollo, and finally Lathan. There are new colours too: British racing green, Imperial purple, and Ocean blue. Available in Mykita stockists. Previous posts on Mylon here...


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