Saturday, 19 November 2011

Beyond the hinge: ProDesign Denmark's Axiom collection

Eye Wear Glasses often gets a bit carried away when presented with new, innovative hinges and ProDesign Denmark's Axiom design is no different. In fact you could argue that this hinge is barely a hinge at all, it's so simple. EWG has had a good play with it and find the open-close action strangely addictive!! And as can be seen from this video, the Axiom collection comes in numerous shapes and colours...

Music added by EWG: Ain't What You Do by DoDo Green


  1. What's actually IC! Berlin's opinion about this "innovative hinge"?

  2. IC! Berlin rip-off, completely agreed.

  3. A nice example of plagiarism...

  4. I admit they look similar at first glance, but if you take a closer a look and feel, the hinge is quite different

  5. ProDesign ? More like Pro Copy! ProDesign needs to change their company name to CopyCat,

  6. I just came upon a pair of prodesign denmark sunglasses with the model #8605 c6032(SUPER COOL).

    I cannot find any info on them and was wondering if they are worth anything?

  7. I really like the Axiom frame that has the classic round-eye shape. The arms are very strong and flip open quite easily. One time they even jumped straight out of the case!
